May 17th is the World Hypertension Day, Care For Your Blood Pressure

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17 May is World Hypertension Day

According to the Chinese Cardiovascular Disease Report

China's hypertensive population has reached 245 million

The prevalence of hypertension in adults is about 27.9%.

3 out of every 10 people have high blood pressure

How much do you know about high blood pressure?

How to prevent high blood pressure?

Let's look down together!

What is high blood pressure

In layman's terms, hypertension is a series of changes brought about by the increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the human body. It not only refers to the rise of blood pressure, but also refers to the damage to people's heart, brain, kidneys and other important organs caused by increased blood pressure. In the absence of antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure is measured 3 times a day to reach systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg can be diagnosed as hypertension.

Who is susceptible to high blood pressure

High-salt diet

A long-term high-salt diet is one of the most important causes of high blood pressure and one of the easiest to correct.

Family history of hypertension

Any disease has a tendency to cluster in families. Friends who have hypertension in first- and second-degree relatives belong to the susceptible group of hypertension.

People who smoke and drink for a long time

Obese people

BMI is the body mass index, which is the square of body weight (kg) divided by height (m). People with a BMI of more than 24 or abdominal obesity, with a waist circumference of more than 90 cm for men and more than 85 cm for women, are predisposed to high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is critical

Friends whose systolic blood pressure is 130 to 139 mmhg for a long time and/or whose diastolic blood pressure is greater than 90 mmhg are the reserve legions of hypertension.

Be over 55 years of age

Young people who are under a lot of pressure at work

Friends with work pressure, mental stress, and long-term lack of exercise should also beware of high blood pressure and come to the door too early!

Consistent exercise improves blood pressure

Studies have found that regular exercise in patients with high blood pressure reduces the risk of cardiovascular death and all-cause death. Therefore, it is recommended that non-hypertensive people (to reduce the risk of developing hypertension) or hypertensive patients (in order to reduce blood pressure), in addition to activities of daily living, accumulate 30 to 60 per day for 4 to 7 days a week Minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (e.g., walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc.). The form of exercise can take aerobic, impedance and stretching exercise, etc., and can be mainly aerobic exercise, supplemented by anaerobic exercise.

What else can be done to prevent high blood pressure?

Limit salt intake

A high-salt diet significantly increases the risk of hypertension, with adults consuming no more than 5 grams of salt per day.

Reduce your intake of foods rich in fats and sugars

Limit the use of cooking oil, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat the right amount of protein, and eat less fast food. Eating at home as much as possible can help control your intake of fat, salt, and sugar.

Do not drink alcohol or drink in small amounts

Excessive alcohol consumption stimulates sympathetic excitement, increases cardiac output, and releases angiotensin, leading to an increase in blood pressure. Long-term excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of taking antihypertensive drugs.

Quit smoking

Smoking is harmful to health, and smokers should quit smoking as soon as possible.

Refuse to stay up late

Normal daily routine, fall asleep before 23:00, do not stay up late.

Manage emotions

Poor emotional changes can exacerbate the condition, and severe mood swings can worsen the condition and even lead to sudden death. Sudden intracerebral hemorrhages of hypertension are mostly associated with sharp changes in mood. Therefore, in daily life, it is necessary to cultivate an optimistic, cheerful, open-minded, and tolerant mind, cultivate self-cultivation, idyllic nothingness, and achieve the purpose of smoothing the mind, nourishing the body and mind, and stabilizing blood pressure.

There are eight points to keep in mind for antihypertensive therapy

1. Timely medical treatment if blood pressure is high.

In outpatient clinics, it is often encountered that some patients do not take antihypertensive drugs for several years or even more than ten years, and eventually miss the best treatment time due to serious complications (such as acute myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, acute and chronic kidney failure) due to hypertension. Clinically, early medication can reduce the damage of elevated blood pressure to organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys and blood vessels, and delay or even no complications.

2. Do not use drugs without authorization.

The mechanism of hypertension is very complex, each patient is different, the treatment should follow the principle of individualization, the doctor will choose the most suitable antihypertensive drug for you according to each person's specific situation. Never go to the pharmacy yourself to buy medicine, or follow what your colleagues and neighbors take.

3. Don't be superstitious about health care products.

Many patients with high blood pressure are superstitious about taking health care products to lower blood pressure, preferring to believe in advertising rather than go to the hospital for treatment. In fact, most of the so-called health care products can "reduce blood pressure", which is a gimmick and has no effect. In daily life, you must not replace antihypertensive drugs with health care products.

4. Patients with ordinary hypertension do not need infusion therapy.

In addition to hypertensive emergencies, general hypertension does not require infusion therapy, oral antihypertensive drugs are sufficient. Conversely, unnecessary infusions can increase the risk of infection and vascular damage, and even raise blood pressure.

5. The pressure reduction should be "stable".

Lowering blood pressure is not as fast as possible, and most patients with hypertension should gradually reduce their blood pressure to the target level within a few weeks to months depending on the condition; younger, shorter patients can lower blood pressure faster; elderly, patients with a longer course of illness or existing complications should lower their blood pressure more slowly.

6. Do not stop the drug arbitrarily.

Many patients feel that Western medicine has many adverse reactions, and long-term use is harmful to the body. In fact, all drugs may have adverse reactions, relatively speaking, the incidence of adverse reactions of commonly used antihypertensive drugs is very low, and the vast majority of patients can take them for a long time. Even if adverse reactions occur, do not stop or reduce the drug on your own, and consult a doctor.

7. A drop in blood pressure to the target value does not represent a cure.

At present, there is no drug that can cure hypertension, and the blood pressure drops to normal after taking antihypertensive drugs does not mean that the disease has been cured. Once you stop taking your medication or experience excessive fatigue, nervousness, and emotional agitation, your blood pressure will rise again.

8. Take medicine while regularly reviewing.

Patients with hypertension who take the drug for a long time should measure their blood pressure frequently and go to the hospital regularly to do some necessary examinations. In addition to adjusting the medication to the control of blood pressure, the doctor will also do some other tests to understand the situation of each organ.

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